Bike Week is fun for the whole family

By admin, 1 May, 2016

Bike Week is fun for the whole family

A wide range of cycling-related events for the whole family are organised in Lappeenranta during the national Bike Week, 7–15 May 2016. The Bike Week begins on Saturday the 7h with a huge bicycle parade thatstarts at the Kansalaistori Square at 13.00 and makes its way through the city centre to the seaside by the harbour. The first junior cycling lessons, which run through the summer, will also take place during Bike Week.

The secretary of the local association for cyclists, Lappeenrannan Pyöräilijät ry, Matti Pesu encourages everyone in Lappeenranta and their families to take part in the parade and the various events occurring throughout the week.

– The theme of the parade is ”Families that bike together”. The summer’s junior cycling lessons will begin during the Bike Week.  The cycling lessons are for children and young people up to 15 years of age, and it is possible to join in any time during the season. Lessons are held once a week. The instructors are experienced cyclists, Matti Pesu assures and adds that this is the first time that these kinds of junior cycling lessons have been organised in Lappeenranta.

Junior cycling lessons include instruction in mountain biking and road cycling, learning how to ride a bike, and group cycling trips. The participants are also taught traffic safety rules and bicycle maintenance.

Also included in the Bike Week’s programme are, for example, a bike tour of architectural sites in the western parts of the city, led by architects Mikko Heikkilä and Matti Veijovuori, on 12 May, and a bike tour of churches suitable that is suitbale for the whole family on 11 May. Bike orienteering is organised throughout the week.

The Bike Week culminates with the announcement of the winners of the Commuting Cyclist of the Year 2016 award and the Cycle Friendly Award on Saturday, 14 May,  which takes place at the Kansalaistori Square in connection with the Fashion by Day event.  The Cycle Friendly Award 2016 will be the first of its kind in Lappeenranta.

The Head of Marketing and Customer Service in the city of Lappeenranta Mirka Rahman reminds everyone that the theme of the WWF’s Earth Hour City Challenge public vote will change to traffic, mobility and transport during the Bike Week (9–13 May). The Earth Hour City Challenge is about encouraging cities to combat climate change, and Lappeenranta is the only Finnish city competing this year.

The actual winner of the challenge is selected by a jury, but the public also get to vote for their favourite city and share their good practices on social media.

– Share your cycling experiences and compliment Lappeenranta’s amazing bike routes along the shores of Lake Saimaa on social media.  Bike Week kicks off a wonderful summer cycling season in Lappeenranta. Among the other great events, a two-day cycling event, Willimiesajot, will be organised for the first time ever in Lappeenranta in late July. – We invite everyone to come and cheer the contestants on, says Rahman.

To vote for Lappeenranta and tell your ideas for making the city even better, go to Share what you love about Lappeenranta on social media, #weloveLappeenranta. 

Cycling organisations and active cyclists will be responsible for the organisation of the Bike Week and the other events throughout the summer cycling season in Lappeenranta. The events are sponsored by companies. The City of Lappeenranta’s tasks include marketing and creating favourable conditions for cyclists and the organisation of events.

The Bike Week’s programme is available at



Lappeenrannan Pyöräilijät ry
Secretary Matti Pesu
tel. +358 40 534 0455

City of Lappeenranta
Head of Marketing and Customer Service Mirka Rahman
tel. +358 40 849 9161


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