Changes to the management of GreenEnergy Finland

By admin, 28 September, 2020

Christoffer Ehrnrooth has been appointed as CEO of GreenEnergy Finland (GEF) as of 4 September 2020. Ehrnrooth also acts as CEO of Oy Flinkenberg Ab, the majority owner of GEF, and as chairperson in GEF’s Board.

GEF’s Chief Operating Officer is Business Director Miia Lehtinen. Mikko Pääkkönen leaves his post as the CEO of GEF and remains in the company as owner and board member.

 “The current market situation and the continuous rapid development of the sector have required us to make changes in our organisation. GEF will continue to focus on strengthening its business in Finland and clarify the organisation to improve customer service. As said earlier, we will continue to support the growth of our partner network and improve our services. I am also pleased with the significant steps our GEF Vision service has taken,” says Lehtinen about the company’s near future. He has been developing GEF’s distributor operations since 2017.




More information:

GreenEnergy Finland Oy
Liiketoimintajohtaja Miia Lehtinen
050 555 2944,

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