The citizens of Lappeenranta are implementing a Greenreality 370 anniversary park together with the city

By admin, 26 September, 2019


Trees will be planted by the city and the citizens of Lappeenranta in celebration of its 370th birthday in Lauritsala on 27.9.2019. Anyone can plant a tree to the Greenreality anniversary park, located at the corner of Hyötiöntie and Luukkaankatu. Also companies and communities are welcome to join.

The seed planted must be acquired independently from local garden stores, for instance. The seeds cost around 30-50 euros. The city takes care of the planting spot and after planting care. There are about a hundred planting spots available.

The tree planted can be either linden, oak or Serbian spruce. Linden has been chosen since Lappeenranta is known as "the city of lindens", while oak is significant in the Lauritsala area as it is. Serbian spruce can withstand air pollutants better than any other coniferous tree. 

The planting will occur on 27.9., a day in Finland known as the nameday of Vesa, from 2 pm to 4 pm. The event will be opened by the city's Mayor Kimmo Jarva. Internationally the day is known as Arbor day and, among other things, the purpose is to draw attention to the health benefits of city trees, says the city gardener of Lappeenranta Hannu Tolonen.

− Trees have an important role in the biodiversity of the city environment

The Environmental Manager of Lappeenranta Ilkka Räsänen notes that there are plenty of ways to mitigate climate change, from which citizens can choose one that best suits them. Planting a tree is one way of participating.

− Forests and trees are important carbon sinks. One cubic meter of trees binds a tonne of carbon dioxide. The annual carbon footprint of a citizen of Lappeenranta is about 10 tonnes.

Representatives of the media are welcomed to join the event.

To participate in the planting, please sign up for the event by contacting the City Gardener Hannu Tolonen (contact information on the left).


Contact information

Hannu Tolonen, City Gardener
tel. +358 40 085 6066, hannu.tolonen(at)

Ilkka Räsänen, Environmental Manager
tel. +358 40 081 5284, ilkka.rasanen(at)

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