City of Lappeenranta joins the new EU Green City Accord

By admin, 10 February, 2021

The City of Lappeenranta is one of the first cities to join the EU Green City Accord. In Finland, the agreement has previously been signed by three cities and in Europe by 18 cities in total.

The Green City Accord is a new initiative in the EU which encourages cities to promote environmental protection and to work towards more sustainable, cleaner and healthier cities.

The cities that have signed the agreement commit to strengthening actions by 2030 especially in five core areas: improving air quality, protecting water bodies and water resources, promoting circular economy, protecting nature’s biodiversity and reducing noise. Progress and implementation of these measures will be reported to the EU.

Lappeenranta wants to create a more pleasant and healthier city

In Lappeenranta, the air quality is mostly clearly under WHO’s guidelines and target values. The City of Lappeenranta, Lappeenrannan Energia and Lappeenranta Region’s Environmental Office all continuously work towards improving the condition of water bodies.

Lappeenranta joining the Green City Accord is a part of the European Green Leaf 2021 measures and promoting environmental action is a natural continuation for past and current actions, explains mayor Kimmo Jarva.

- We want to make Lappeenranta a more pleasant and healthier city to live and work in. The city already acts as an example and forerunner in environment and energy matters, and through the Green City Accord we continue to do this work in a more responsible and visible way.

The Green City Accord enhances Lappeenranta’s visibility in the network of European green cities. The agreement also makes it possible to gain funding for promoting environmental measures in Lappeenranta.


Further information:

City of Lappeenranta

Mayor Kimmo Jarva
tel. +358 40 844 2000, kimmo.jarva(at)

Ilkka Räsänen, Environmental Director
tel. +358 40 081 5284, ilkka.rasanen(at)

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