City of Lappeenranta prepares to celebrate the European Green Leaf Award – the entire city organisation takes part in the activities

By admin, 18 December, 2020

Lappeenranta has appointed a core team to implement the European Green Leaf Year 2021. The Green Leaf project manager will be Kati Korhonen, who currently coordinates international affairs in Lappeenranta’s corporate administration.

Korhonen has many years of experience in project management, event production and corporate communications. Most recently, Korhonen has been working on Hinkua Etelä-Karjalaan (Make South Karelia Carbon Neutral) project, where she has learned about the efforts Lappeenranta has made to curb climate change. Korhonen tells that this is a natural continuation of the work she has already started.

“This will be a great opportunity to step up Lappeenranta’s green efforts.”

Green Leaf head of communications Heli Mälkiä will be responsible for all Green Leaf communications. Until now, Mälkiä has been a spokesperson for Lappeenranta’s Economic and Urban Development department and responsible for the communications and marketing of the Greenreality brand. Mälkiä is well-informed of the Green Leaf Award, the competition organisation and its communication methods, because she has been involved in Lappeenranta’s winning project organisation since the beginning, for two years by now. Mälkiä says that communication with a range of target groups and towards the EU Commission has played an important role, but now there will be even more need for information sharing.

“We will need to communicate actively about the Green Leaf year locally, nationally and internationally. We also have a group of proactive communicators in the EU Commission sharing information about Lappeenranta and our year of award celebrations.”

Lappeenranta’s environmental director Ilkka Räsänen is responsible for the entire Green Leaf organisation. Räsänen tells that they are looking forward to launching the Green Leaf year and welcoming the new opportunities it will bring.

“Lappeenranta has been selected as one of the European Green Cities in the EU Commission's prestigious competition. This supports our future endeavours and increases the city’s attractiveness. We have been put on the map, and we will take advantage of this opportunity.”

Entire city organisation is taking part in organising the award activities

Lappeenranta’s corporate administration is fully committed to Green Leaf action and will participate in organising the events and activities. During the year, the city will also work with stakeholders and residents to take climate measures forward.

The key themes in Lappeenranta’s Green Leaf action are nature, water, green electricity and climate change. During 2021, the city intends to carry out more than 40 events and measures.


Further information:

Kati Korhonen, kati.m.korhonen(at)
Tel. +358 (0)40 354 2799

Heli Mälkiä, heli.malkia(at)
Tel. +358 (0)40 667 2235

Ilkka Räsänen, ilkka.rasanen(at)
Tel. +358 (0)40 081 5284

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