Electric buses are now running in Lappeenranta's public transport system

By Pinla Nokkanen, 3 June, 2024
Pink electric bus, which has texts "Tässä Joukossa on sähköä" and "Kuljetaan Joukolla"

The first electric buses in South Karelia have been introduced to Lappeenranta’s public transport system. There are six new electric buses, and they began operating in the Lappeenranta area on 31st of May.

The electric buses have appeared on the streets with new looks, featuring pink wraps under the Jouko – Lappeenrannan seudun joukkoliikenne brand.

The procurement of the electric buses was carried out in collaboration with the bus company Savonlinja Oy. The acquisition supports the city’s strategy to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030. Approximately half of the city’s emissions are caused by traffic. In addition to the electric buses, the local transport system operates 9 diesel buses and two biogas buses. In total, there are 17 buses.

The city has calculated that replacing six diesel buses with electric ones will result in an annual reduction of at least 430,000 kg of CO2 emissions.

The city council's Sustainable Mobility Program for 2025–2028 also aims for carbon neutrality in local and regional transport by favoring electric buses and enabling the implementation of charging infrastructure


Further information:

City of Lappeenranta

Olli Hirvonen, kaupungininsinööri
Puh: 040 670 1566, olli.hirvonen@lappeenranta.fi

