Electric traffic requires new infrastructure

By admin, 18 September, 2019

A global change is currently underway in the energy sector, which affects different industries extensively. This is known as the smart energy transition. The transition is based on climate change mitigation, technological development and the limitations of fossil energy sources. The electrification of traffic is a part of this larger trend, that is currently shaking the energy sector and automotive industry.  

While electric cars are becoming more and more common, the charging infrastructure of urban areas in particular face huge pressure. The best case scenario for electric cars would be to have a charging dock available everytime it's parked. The amount of power needed from the power supply network will increase as charging stations and docks are increased. In addition, the electrification of buses and delivery trucks as well as two-way charging offered in the near future create challenges for the local power supply network. In these challenging situations the options are to either strengthen the local network, utilize local energy sources or exchange local information on improving an efficient use of the pre-existing network's capacity. Of course in the future, different incentives created through market mechanisms can be formed in intelligent power networks to guide in charging processes, so the investments concerning the power supply network can be moved to a later date. 

Cities and municipalities have an essential role in advancing electric traffic and they have plenty of different operations with which add both the attractiveness of electric cars and develop the charging infrastructure required by electric traffic. The main role is to participate in designing the charging insfrastructure - the cities are expected to create functional collaboration models that enable the advancement of charging station investments as smoothy as possible while taking into consideration the power supply network as well as the needs and challenges of traffic, while municipalities have a crucial role in using electric transportation and executing public transport. 

Connecting traffic and energy systems together requires unprecedented knowledge and insight of new innovations, technologies and concepts of electric traffic from city and municipality employees and partner networks. The wide array of expertise provided by the engineers and experts of Rejlers and a large partner network enable a succesful execution of projects concerning the electrification of traffic. While designing and consulting, we take into consideration the power supply network, charging infrastructure, traffic, as well as all service platforms that enable a functional system.

Additional information:

Lasse Kankainen
Service Manager, Electrical Networks
+358 40 739 1690

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