ENVIROMENTAL AWARENESS QUESTIONNAIRE -pls answer by the end of October

By admin, 26 August, 2021

City of Lappeenranta and Greenreality -services are a partner in a project researching and improving, among other things, citizens' awareness about environemtal issues.

We ask you kindly to take part in a research, which in conducted primarily in Russia (Saint Petersburg) and Finland (Lahti and Lappeenranta). The purpose of this research is to determine the level of environmental awareness and behaviour of citizens.

Our research is conducted within the framework of the Russian-Finnish project LALAPETE "Upcycling innovations and environmental awareness" funded by SOUTH-EAST FINLAND-RUSSIA Cross-border cooperation 2014-2020 programme.

Project time: ​1st Jan 2021– 30th Nov 2022.

The research is conducted anonymously among all categories of the population in the Google-form questionnaire.

However, we would like ask you to provide some background information about yourself, because this data is important for our analysis results.

In total, there are 30 questions in our questionnaire: 21 general and 9 regional questions.
The questionnaire takes an average of 15 minutes.

Among the respondents will be drawn 2pcs of max 50 euros gift cards to a local services, which will be agreed in more detailed with the winners. 

OBSERVE, please remember to press ”SEND” button BOTH for lottery participation template AND questionnaire template to save the data. 

The research is provided by in the period from August to October 2021.

You will find the questionnaire here.

Thank you for your participation in the questionnaire.



More information:

Matti Pylkkö
tel.+358 40 759 6692


Translation ID
Original ID
