The FUTURBINE project accelerates the development of Aurelia Turbines

By admin, 18 September, 2019

Aurelia Turbines has been granted 2 million euros of funding by the EU's Horizon 2020 program for its FUTURBINE project. The duration of the project is 2 years.

The aim of the FUTURBINE project is to support Aurelia’s growth strategy by demonstrating the fuel flexibility performance of Aurelia® A400 in an operational environment, by optimizing the company’s value chain and integrator partner model and by continuing commercialization activities for global market entry.

Small-scale processes and SME factories are a key part of Europe’s economy and employment, with over 20 million companies, such as dairies, breweries, small chemical facilities and building materials factories, that consume over 20 % of the total energy in the EU. Currently there is no economically feasible decentralised solution in the market for their capacity range and need for high-temperature steam. So, 90 % of these SME factories use inefficient energy systems with high emissions. Aurelia®A400 is a new innovative gas turbine with two shafts designed to fill this market gap.

The Aurelia turbines can be used with different kind of fuel, such as hydrogen, biogas, syngas and natural gas.

Horizon 2020 is the largest EU Research and Innovation program, that aims to secure Europe's global competitiveness.                             




FUTURBINE -projekti:
Project Manager Maija Mäkinen

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