Greenreality 370 anniversary park and new environmental boards emphasize the meaning of city trees and parks in the city environment

By admin, 3 July, 2019

A new Greenreality 370 park will be created in celebration of the 370th birthday of Lappeenranta. The park will be located in Lauritsala, at the corner of Hyötiöntie and Luukkaankatu. The city challenges citizens, companies and for example associations to make a climate action and plant a tree for the anniversary of the city.

The seed planted must be acquired independently, however, the city takes care of the planting spot and after planting care. 

The tree planted can be either linden, oak or Serbian spruce. The planting will occur on 27.9., a day in Finland known as the nameday of Vesa. Internationally the day is known as Arbor day, and the purpose is to draw attention to the meaning and protection of trees and forests, says the City Gardener of Lappeenranta Hannu Tolonen.

− The planted park also works as a sheltering greenspace between habitation and an industrial area. 

Wooden information boards tell the story of biodiversity

Five wooden boards will be located in Lappeenranta parks, in which the main species of tree of the park and its typical organisms are presented. The boards include for example birds, mammals, instects, plants, moss, lichen and mushrooms.

The purpose is to increase the appreciation of greenspaces of the city by informing with pictures and short texts about all the different organisms that have the possibility of living because of them, says Tolonen.

− The headline of the wooden boards, and at the same time the most important message, is that city trees and parks bring biodiversity closer to us.

The wooden boards will be installed so that Keskuspuisto has birch, Vanha puisto has maple, Rantapuisto has linden, Arboretum has pine, and Vapaudenaukio has rowan as its species of tree, respectively.

Taulut on kuvittanut akvarellitaiteilija Heli Pukki ja tekstittänyt Etelä-Karjalan allergia- ja ympäristöinstituutin johtaja Kimmo Saarinen. Taulujen asennus alkaa ensi viikolla. 

The boards are illustrated by the aquarelle artis Heli Pukki, and the text is made by the head of Etelä-Karjalan allergia- ja ympäristöinstituutti Kimmo Saarinen. The installation of the boards begins next week.

More information: 

Hannu Tolonen, City Gardener 
tel. +358 40 085 6066,

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