The Greenreality Carnival increased its popularity in 2019

By admin, 5 September, 2019

The Greenreality Carnival was arranged at Kansalaistori square in front of Lappeenranta City Hall during the city's Open Doors day on 29.8.2019. Last year the amount of visitors was estimated to be around 3000. This year the event increased its popularity compared to last year with 3500 estimated visitors, from whom a approximately third was schoolchildren.

The project coordinator of Lappeenranta Region's Environmental Office Raija Aura and project engineer Matti Pylkkö think that the Carnival that was arranged for the second time was a success.

– There was plenty of visitors, they enjoyed themselves for a long time and some of them came back during the afternoon. In addition to seeing happy faces, the most memorable aspect was the great and versatile program in particular, since plenty of different information, interesting things to do and opportunities to participate were offered. The program was a great mix of local experise, talented youth and our own skilled city theater, for example, tells Aura. 

– Accessing the event was also easier compared to last year, when the renovation of the Kansalaistori square made it somewhat challenging. I also think it's great that the event attracted youth as well, who with their own way bring life to the event, Pylkkö continues.

According to Aura and Pylkkö, introductions and activity offered by different actors attracted the Carnival audience in particular.

– The tents of Lappeenranta University of Technology, UPM, Lappeenrannan energia, city planning and the Greenreality Park seemed to be the most popular attractions, but also music and different performances attracted people to Kansalaistori.

– People visiting the Greenreality tent were intrested in concrete recycling, green choices of everyday life, energy savings and Greenreality homes.

In addition to Aura and Pylkkö, environmental manager Ilkka Räsänen is also pleased with the success of the event.

– It is important that schoolchildern have the opportunity to participate in the Carnival. Also arranging the Carnival at the same time with the Open Doors day of the city supports its success.

According to Räsänen, it's not yet certain whether or not the carnival will be arranged next year. 

– However, the current atmosphere indicates that the Carnival will be arranged during the following years as well. The visitor counts and people enjoying themselves show that the event is in demand. We have plenty of enthusiasm, trust, commitment and routine for arranging the Carnival, but the available resources must be checked before planning the upcoming Carnivals.


More information:

Environmental Manager Ilkka Räsänen,
tel. +358 400 815 284, ilkka.rasanen(at)


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