Greenreality Network joins the International Cleantech Network

By admin, 20 December, 2021

Greenreality Network (GRN), a business-driven energy and green technology cluster in South Karelia, has been accepted as a member of the exclusive International Cleantech Network (ICN). The GRN coordinator, Development Manager Markku Mäki-Hokkonen sees the cluster’s ICN membership as a significant recognition of southeast Finland’s green electricity and environmental know-how.

The Greenreality Network’s ICN membership was confirmed in October. Not just anyone can join the network; there are strict membership criteria. Only one cluster per country can be admitted. To qualify, clusters need to have, among other criteria, a large member base.

– The Greenreality Network has a total of 50 members, which include businesses, research centres, educational institutions and local authorities, explains the City of Lappeenranta’s Development Manager Markku Mäki-Hokkonen.

– The City of Lappeenranta and the Town of Imatra have also signed an agreement with the Finnish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment regarding the strategic allocation of funding to green electricity product development and innovation in 2021–2027. This combination of networking, know-how and financial resources puts us in an excellent position to build an internationally competitive energy and green technology cluster that attracts both business and competence to the region.

The ICN network consists of cleantech clusters in 18 countries.

The clusters are made up of energy and green technology businesses, and the aim of networking is to generate new business opportunities, enhance competitive advantages and create value.

– With members around the world, the ICN opens up completely new opportunities for us to expand our international networks and increase our competence, Mäki-Hokkonen explains.

Lappeenrannan Energia’s Chief Executive Officer Arto Nikkanen, who is the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Greenreality Network and now also a member of the Board of Directors of the ICN, is excited about the opportunities that ICN membership brings.    

– The Greenreality Network is all about helping its members to develop and expand their business and thereby increasing the positive impact of these sustainable businesses on the world, he says.

– Being a member of the ICN gives us a new channel through which to reach out to potential international energy and green technology partners.

The ICN is being presented to members of the Greenreality Network on 10 February 2022.



Further information:

Development Manager Markku Mäki-Hokkonen,
City of Lappeenranta
tel. +358 40 569 5515,

Chief Executive Officer Arto Nikkanen,
Lappeenrannan Energia
tel. +358 447517211, arto.nikkanen(at)

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