Growth from China to South Karelia

By admin, 13 October, 2016

Growth from China to South Karelia

The city of Lappeenranta started cooperation with the Chinese city of Yixing, this year. Yixing is situated in the affluent Jiangsu province, approximately two hour’s drive from Shanghai. A city of 1.35 million residents, Yixing is known as an advanced environmental technology city.

The Golden Autumn Trade Fair was held in Yixing, in October, accompanied by a GES (Green Energy Showroom) Lappeenranta joint exhibition stand organised by Wirma Lappeenranta Oy at the Yixing Environmental Science and Technology Park. The stand is provided by Yixing to the city of Lappeenranta and the participating companies for two years. The exhibition stand is shared by four companies that participate in the GES network, Flowrox, Visedo, Axco-Motors and Easy China,  along with the city of Lappeenranta and the Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT). Representatives of the Regional Council of South Karelia, the City of Lappeenranta, Wirma Lappeenranta, LUT and various companies visited Yixing to attend the opening of the joint exhibition stand.

- The Jiangsu region and Yixing are a good location for have a presence in and to seek partnerships and customers, says Chao Wang of Visedo.

The goal of the GES Lappeenranta exhibition stand is to strengthen and promote business in China, as well as to showcase the city of Lappeenranta and LUT and draw attention to them as travel destinations and investment targets. Flowrox’s special interests in China include water treatment solutions and wastewater treatment plants. Visedo and Axco-Motors aim to increase the sales of electric transport solutions, such as electric buses. Easy China is helping companies and public actors with China-Finland cooperation and that are entering the Chinese markets.

- It is possible to participate in the exhibition stand also later on, says Terhi Jantunen of Wirma Lappeenranta.

The rapidly growing and developing China has become a major player in international trade. A large geographical size, a society that supports commercialism, growth-driven industry and a huge population potential make China an attractive marketplace for companies seeking to expand internationally. Measured in wealth, Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Jiangsu and the coastal areas of China, in particular, have reached the level of the OECD member countries. In its most recent five-year plan adopted in March, China has set an annual economic growth target of 6.5%. In this plan, the goals include, for example, developing China into a hub of innovation and high technology, and promoting a clean urban environment as a priority. Among other actions, China intends to reduce the use of coal and seek new, cleaner energy solutions, as well as promote the introduction of electric transportation technology.

For further information, please contact: Terhi Jantunen:

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