Imatran Lämpö Oy joins Ukraine in energy efficiency development

By admin, 16 September, 2019

Management and experts of the Ukrainian Kamyanets-Podilskiyi heating company arrived to familiarize with Imatran Lämpö Oy and its activity on week 33, funded by the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and administrated by the Nordic Environment Finance Corporation NEFCO's Finland Ukraine Trust Fund.

Finnish heating companies are economically and techincally efficient and environmentally conscious. This is ackowledged across the globe. Utilizing and multiplying Finnish district energy expertise and technology more extensively will improve energy efficiency and thus bring forth effectiveness in climate change mitigation globally. 

The issues with Ukrainian heating companies include for example restrictions of investment funding, old, worn out and ineffective equipment and old fashioned policies of operation and maintenance. Renewable energy is being utilized increasingly, however, some functions of operation and maintenance need to be improved.

The members of Palveleva Kaukolämpö FinDHC ry, including Imatran Lämpö Oy, have acknowledged their global social and environmental responsibility to share their knowledge and effective practices.

In the project "The district heating twinning programme between Imatran Lämpö Oy and Public Utility Miskteplovodenerhiya" two similar district heating companies exchange expertise and experience with each other. The Ukrainian twinning partner of Imatran Lämpö Oy is a municipal heating company from the city of Miskteplovodenerhiya Kamyanets-Podilskiy. The project that started at the beginning of August lasts for about four months and consists of two visits to Imatra by the Ukrainian company, as well as the familiarisation of the experts of Imatran Lämpö Oy to the operations of Miskteplovodenerhiya in Ukraine. The twinning-project will culminate in a joint seminar, in which results and follow-ups are presented to other Ukrainian heating companies, decision makers as well as the most essential Finland Ukraine Trust Fund stakeholders.

The Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs has founded the Finland Ukraine Trust Fund that supports the energy efficiency of Ukraine and the use of renewable energy and alternative energy sources to the Nordic Environment Finance Corporation NEFCO. The fund began operating in 2018 and it will continue until the end of 2021. The NEFCO administrated fund's purpose is to aid Ukraine in improving politics and instructions concerning energy efficiency. The purpose is to increase the private sector and international investors' funding of the Ukrainian energy sector by creating partnerhips and collaboration projects. FCG (Finnish Consulting Group) is the coordinator consult of this 4-year project.

Additional information:

Vesa-Pekka Vainikka, CEO, Imatran Lämpö Oy
tel. +358 20 617 4800

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