Lappeenranta advances the growth of green companies together with Helsinki and Saint Petersburg

By admin, 3 July, 2019

The city of Lappeenranta has joined a project that supports the international networking of companies. The city has started as the leader of the Cata3Pult project at the beginning of June with partners Helsinki metropolitan area's company network Green Net Finland, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, the clean tech -network of Saint Petersburg and Petersburgian environmental office Kosmos.

The city warmly welcomes all companies to develop their growth and internationalization in the new collaborative business network, says Project Manager Terhi Jantunen.

− Charting the marketing potential of Saint Petersburg and the Helsinki metropolitan area together with expert partners can create new business opportunities and help expansive companies become more international.

The goal of the project is to develop efficient business models and their testing across borders. At the same time, the growth of SME's, especially in the energy and environmental technology sector, internationalization and business requirements are being improved. 

Finnish companies gain beneficial connections from Saint Petersburg

Joining an international business network improves the recognizability of South Karelian companies and enables the expansion of the network to both the Helsinki metropolitan area and Saint Petersburg. Companies gain current information on business opportunities offered by the Saint Petersburg economic region and a direct connection to private and public customers, claims the Environmental Manager of the city of Lappeenranta Ilkka RÀsÀnen.

− Companies get an opportunity to create and demonstrate solutions together with other companies of the region. The companies of Saint Petersburg have interesting expertise and conventions with a "Russian twist" to present as well.

The companies participating in the project get to be a part of public-private-partnerships (PPP) that aim to develop solutions in eko and energy efficiency, green logistics and circular economy. We invite the companies to participate in events and expert groups, says Terhi Jantunen. 

− The themes revolve around green and intelligent transport, circular economy as well as the energy efficiency and waste management of properties. The operations will begin in August and September after the summer holidays.

More information: 

The city of Lappeenranta

Project coordinator 
Terhi Jantunen 
+358 40 5305958, terhi.jantunen(at) 

Environmental Manager 
Ilkka RÀsÀnen 
+358 40 0815284, ilkka.rasanen(at)

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