Lappeenranta's performance for Green Leaf Awards finale to be carried out in cooperation with cultural venue Nuijamies

By admin, 1 September, 2020


The city of Lappeenranta is competing in the finale of the Green Leaf Awards organised by the European Commission. The next stage of the competition is the final performance, which is carried out by the City of Lappeenranta in cooperation with the cultural venue Nuijamies. Lappeenranta has learned from last year's judge feedback, and the cultural venue Nuijamies was recruited to help with the implementation of this year's presentation concept. 

- The final performance will be made unforgettable and will surely be remembered by the jury of the competition! It's good that we have professionals constructing the performance, says Environmental Director Ilkka Räsänen of the City of Lappeenranta.

The cultural venue Nuijamies is scripting, directing and producing the performance. This time, the focus will be more on the performance for the finale, and new material that was excluded in the application for the competition will be included in the performance. Videos, music, and photos will be included in the live performance. This story-telling performance will take the city closer to winning the competition. The production of the performance is carried out by Juha-Pekka Natunen, Aapo Stavén is in charge of the script and directing, Antti and Jussi Hyyrynen are in charge of the music and acting, and Hiski Hämäläinen is in charge of the video production.

- The city of Lappeenranta wants to show what it is capable of and aims to win the competition this year, says mayor Kimmo Jarva of the city of Lappeenranta.
- I hope that combining culture with environmental objectives will work well in the finale. At the same time, we also get a new way of working when it comes to the participation of the citizens, Jarva continues.

The finale of the 2021 Green Leaf competition takes place on 7 October 2020 and the winning city is published on the following day, 8 October. The finale will either take place on the spot in Lisbon, which is this year's Green Capital of Europe, or will be streamed remotely. Next year's Green Capital is Lahti.


Lappeenranta, The Greenreality city:



Further information

City of Lappeenranta
Ilkka Räsänen, Environmental Director
ilkka.rasanen(at), tel. +358 (0)40 081 5284


Cultural venue Nuijamies
Juha-Pekka Natunen
jp(at), tel. +358 (0)50 377 3022

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