Opportunities for nutrient recycling in South Karelia, 29 August 2016

By admin, 26 August, 2016

Opportunities for nutrient recycling in South Karelia

Nutrient recycling is a topical subject in South Karelia at the moment when decisions are being made on which solution to choose for the treatment of municipal sludge. New innovations emerge all the time, but more operators, open-minded partnerships and, above all, cooperation, is needed in South Karelia to make the recycling of nutrients more effective. On the 29the of August, welcome to Kehruuhuone to a Green Energy Showroom theme event to share ideas and join the discussion!

Time:         29 August 2016 11.30–15.00

Place:     Kehruuhuone, Agatha Room, Kristiinankatu 20, Lappeenranta


Green Energy Showroom theme event programme

11.15 Convene at the Agatha Room

11.30 Lunch

12.00 Opening of the event, Markku Mäki-Hokkonen, Wirma

12.05 Status report on the water treatment plant project – LAVO, Riitta Moisio, Lappeenrannan lämpövoima, Kristian Sahlstedt, Pöyry

12.30 The winds of change are blowing in sludge treatment, Juhani Anhava and Janne Kauppi, Outotec

13.10 Use of LCA modelling of treatment processes in the optimisation of the nutrient cycle, Antti Niskanen, LCA Consulting

13.30 Utilisation of nutrient and carbon flows in fertiliser production, Juuso Joona, Soilfood

13.45 Productisation of fertilisers from recycled nutrients and consideration of harmful substances, Mervi Matilainen, Apila Group

14.00 TOP 3 opportunities for nutrient recycling in South Karelia? Mika Horttanainen, LUT

14.15 Nutrient recycling pilot programme funding available – where do we go from here? Markku Mäki-Hokkonen, Wirma


15.00 The event ends

Register for the event

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