Tarjouspyyntö / Tender requests - Mechanical activation mill

By admin, 20 April, 2018

Tarjouspyyntö / Tender request - Mechanical activation mill


Urban Infra Revolution (UIR) project partner Outotec is procuring mechanical activation mill. Attached specification are formed to describe applicable mill, or high shear attrition grinder, that is suitable to provide the material quality required in fibrous geopolymer additives milling/mixing/activation.

Laboratory unit should be suitable for use inside EU area, so all EU directives, EU standards, especially QEHS and CE marking are applicable for the unit manufacturing and use. EU residual risk assessment documentation or plan should be provided.

Further information, Outotec (Finland) Oy, Janne Kauppi, tel. +358405001963 or email janne.kauppi ((a)) outotec.com”

Please see the tendering documents here


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